Wednesday, 18 June 2014 | 12:32:00 | 0 comments
hi assalamualaikum ~ harini aku nk cte psl perniagaan.hm okay, hampir sbln dah aku menceburi bidang perniagaan secara kecil kecilan.hehe perniagaan yg xberapa je.atas angin something like that.hihihi aku jd dropship utk jual bju2 scara onl...pd mulanya,aku promote kt kwn2.tp yelah,kwn2 aku mne la ade duit.semua masih blaja.jd just sorg dua jela yg beli..then,aku buat instagram baru iaitu sjsshopp..hehehe aku letak bju byk2.aku follow org rmi2..dua mggu xde spe nk beli :( sdih tauuuu...pnat tgu and upload.rse cm sia sia je. rse mcm nk give up and stop.tp ibu,ayah , adk2 ,din and kwn2 bg smangat kt aku.dorg ckp ni mmg adat perniagaan.aku pn tgu lg...aku sabar menanti.hihihihi lpas dua mggu tu,berduyun2 org whtsapp aku! gile kau.hahaha xsempat nk melayan.serious.rse sronok sgt.even ade yg just tnye2 tp xbeli,aku sronok..atleast dorg pndg ape yg aku jual.hihihi ~ tp skg hampir sbln ,aku da dpt untg lebih kurg rm70.wlaupn sikit,xpelah..aku brsyukur.atleast laku and rmi yg puas hati dgn service yg aku bg..dorg ske ble aku mlayan je dorg...hahaha bangga pulak~ xD aku harap bisness ni berjalan lancar makin laku.huhuhuhu korg semua follow la insta aku yeeeee..... follow sjsshopp :) thank you ! :D
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