28 november 2011
Tuesday, 29 November 2011 | 23:38:00 | 0 comments 28 november 2011 , ari isnin rituh , aku dgn sahabat sahabat ku dan si dia jln2 kt TS . kul 8.40 pg kua. smpai TS kul 11 pg . lame tak? hehe . mmg lame gile ah tp aku tak kesa la lame sbp ade dia . dia handsome sgt time tuh . hehe.pstu gi jln2 . kul 2.40 tuh kiteorg tgok wayang. cite misteri jln lame . agak best la jugak cite tu . not bad la . yg pntg aku dgn dia . ngeeeee :D syok dpt bersama dia dr pg smpai mlm . aku smpai uma mlm . seb bek ayah aku tak kesa . hehehe . kul 9 tepat aku smpai uma . agak penat tp bestt. smpai je uma , tros text dgn si dia. dlm kul 11.30 cmtuh,aku otp dgn diaa smpai kul 1 lebih . ase seronok sgt. seharian bersama diaa. 28 november 2011 ari yg plg best. ilovehim till forever <3 <3 <3 result final exam 2011
Monday, 21 November 2011 | 10:52:00 | 0 comments ha..atas ni result aku . result final exam tok tahun 2011 . aku thu result aku ta sehebat result korg. tade ape yg nk dibanggakan dgn result aku neh. terok :( tp ini lah kenyataan. hermm . tahun dpn aku SPM. aku harap tahun dpn , result aku ta mcm neh dah . wish me luck yaa :D because of you :D
Sunday, 13 November 2011 | 09:58:00 | 0 comments
I smile because I'm happy. I smile because you love me. I smile because you care. I smile because I know you. I smile because I witness you. I smile because you are awesome. I smile because I can hear you. I smile because I adore you. I smile because I feel you. I smile because your always here with me. I smile because I will always be with you. I smile because of you. |