No matter how smart you are, no matter how good you look, no matter how much money you have or how many friends you think you have, you're no better than the next person. We all bleed the same color and that should be the color of LOVE. You are somebody when you can see all people as equal. Live life with ALLAH in your heart.
sometimes I think we were a receipe for diaster
sometimes I think we couldn't have been more perfect for each other
sometimes I wish I understood what you meant when you said "grow up"
sometimes I wish you chose to hold my hand and help me get there..
sometimes I wish I didn't fight with you
sometimes I wish you realized you were the only person in the world I could fight with
sometimes I wish I was more mature
sometimes I wish you realized that maturity comes with age but a good heart is hard to find
sometimes I wish you were more patient
sometimes I wish I wasn't so stubborn
sometimes I wish you fixed what we had
sometimes I wish you are never able to replace us..
sometimes I wish you didn't love me so much
sometimes I wish I didn't fall so hard
sometimes I wish I didn't pray so much for you to come back
sometimes I wish I didn't take you for granted in the first place
sometimes I wish you weren't so practical
sometimes I wish I wasn't such a lover
sometimes I wish you showed how much you still care
sometimes I understand that you can't..
sometimes I wish we could've made it work before it was too late
now I wish you were the mistake I was meant to learn from.
hyee korg ! hari neh aku nk cite psl exam prtengahan tahun.isnin rituh, 14 mei 2012 , exam akaun.hari pertama exam, aku dah dga kwn aku , peah cite psl budak2 yg meniru. ade someone neh tiru mase exam.aku tak phm dgn budak2 tuu.knape msti nk meniru?? kau engt kau boleh pandai la dgn meniru?? aku engt kau baek lah sgt . rupa2nyaaa.....hipokrit nk mampos.memang btol ckp cikgu . utk pengetahuan sesetengah budak 5ak2 2012 yg suke meniru tuu , ckgu thu korg meniru dan ckgu sndri kutok2 korg.korg tak malu ke eh?korg tak rase ke ilmu yg ckgu bg kt korg tu tak berkat sbb ckgu kutok2 korg?ckgu thu korg meniru.tak yah bajet pandai la klu stakat tiru org jee.mcm ape jee . aku engt nk report je kt ckgu seha tp korg kwn aku jugak.aku mls nk musuh2 gn korg. korg bekas KAA.so, tnjuk la teladan yg baik.jgn menyesal ble result SPM kua nati dah la.hermm.k la, klu trase , pndai2 la ubah diri ye :)
selamat hari ibu :)
Selamat Hari Ibu <3
me with ibu <3 i love my mother till forever :) saaaayaaaanggg ibu !
pesta buku + istana negara
assalamualaikum korang :) 30 april 2012 iaitu ari isnin yg lalu,aku pegi pesta buku and istana negara. aku pegi dgn 5ak1 and budak2 kelab math,rombongan skola pnya. kul 8 tuh, kitaorg brgerak.smpai istana lebih kurg kul 8.45.ckgu kate istana bukak kul 9.so,kitaorg tgu jelah kt lua istana tuh.smbil tu borak2 dgn ckgu , borak2 dgn dayah , amek gmbr , daaannnn ushaaaaaa si budak handsome ;) hihihi..kul 9 , kitaorg msok , jejalan kt dlm istana tuh smpai pkul 10.kul 10 lebih tuh, gerak pegi pesta buku.smpai sane dlm kul 10.35 cmtuh laa . msok je sane , da rmi org.tp takde la seramai time cuti.beli buku latihan kt susbadi.nk beratur punye lah pnjg.tensioon jee.naseb bek hero aku ade :p buq lah yg beratur dan dia lah yg tlg byarkn . hehe..smentara tgu buq nk bayar tu,aku dgn dayah pegi jejalan kt tingkat bwh.kitaorg tgok2 novel.mang rambang mata ah gi sane.rase mcm nk amek je sume novel tuh.hahaha..lepas buq abes bayar,kami jln2 same2 . jalan jalan jalan. aku and dayah beli novel. buq , ajiez and soleha beli komik. lepas abes membeli,kami tros belah ke the mall.makang! hehe. smpai je sane , rambang mata lg.tak thu nk mkn ape .. rase mcm nk sume jee.ngeh ngeh ngeh ;) dekat stengah jam la pk nk mkn ape.hahaha.akhirnya aku pilih utk mkn nasi ayam.huhuhu.lepas mkn2 sume , kitaorg gerak pegi kt bas.kul 3.53 bru gerak balek btp.lebih kurg kul 4.30 bru lah smpai. smpai je btp , mk aku ttbe ade dpn skola nk amek adk aku.ape lg ,aku dgn buq pn nek lah kete.ta yah susa nk jln kaki dgn bwk brg yg byk.ngeh ngeh ngeh ;D mang naseb bek aa.takde aa penat nk balek jln kaki.hehe. bwh neh pic kitaorg time kt istana negara and pesta buku :)

act,ade byk ag tp tak larat la kn nk upload sume. huhuhu..jgn jelessssss! kbaaiii :]